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Pursuing Self-Care Together

Self-care is a vital element of any mental illness treatment plan. It’s a continual piece of the ongoing process of recovery. But the challenges of living with a mental illness can make it more difficult to practice self-care. For example, it’s hard to find the motivation to exercise or make plans with friends when struggling with the motivation-sapping effects of depression.

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A Well World: A Great Role

There are two reasons my role as Executive Director at The Well is the best job in the world. The first is the community I serve. Members of The Well struggle daily with some of the toughest challenges of life—mental illnesses, poverty and marginalization. But every day they teach me new lessons on perseverance, determination and hope. The second is the community I serve alongside—our […]

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Christian Firefighters Association Volunteer at Jacob’s House

It was a hot and sunny Saturday morning in Oak Cliff, not the kind of morning anyone would like to be outside digging up concrete, but the firefighters of the Christian Firefighters Association are not just anyone. About a dozen men and women from across the city generously volunteered their time to help with several home improvement projects at Jacob’s House.

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Thursday Night Life Offers Spiritual Nourishment

Once a week The Well Community doors swing open wide and members eagerly start trickling in for Thursday Night Life. They come from all across Oak Cliff for fellowship, Bible teaching and the opportunity to worship God. Each faces daily challenges with mental health difficulties. Many struggle to find steady employment and housing they can afford. Several are homeless. Most deal with other physical illnesses, […]

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Spiritual Health

“Forgiveness” was the theme of this year’s Fall Spiritual Retreat for members of The Well Community. The retreats are just one of many ways The Well helps members cultivate spiritual health as an aspect of holistic mental health.

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A Well World: Celebrating Community

Because of the generosity of 89 individuals, families, churches and foundations, North Texas Giving Day was a great success. The Well received gifts totaling $38,760—which exceeded our goal!

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Shoes Raise Suicide Prevention Awareness

On Thursday, September 15, The Well Community was honored to receive hundreds of pairs of gently used shoes from the Greater Dallas Suicide Prevention Coalition. Each pair represented a life lost to suicide in Dallas last year. Community leaders gathered to highlight issues related to depression and other factors that can lead to suicide. The event was held at Dallas City Hall where Eric Nadel, […]

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 The Right Questions

An area of spiritual blindness in our Christian community is how we view those dealing with mental illnesses. Our assumptions are often based on ignorance and stigma, and our wrong questions reveal our lack of understaning.

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What Jesus Would Do

Six years ago, Brent McDougal was looking for a job as a pastor when he heard about Cliff Temple Baptist Church’s association with a nonprofit in Oak Cliff that serves those who struggle with mental illnesses. Intrigued, McDougal began learning more about Cliff Temple’s relationship with The Well Community, discovering that not only does the church host weekly events and provide office space for The […]

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Six Things to Know About Those Who Care For Adults Dealing With Mental Illnesses

Mental illnesses have a ripple effect. The National Alliance on Mental Illness recognizes that the “challenges of mental illness do not only affect an individual’s family members but also friends, teachers, neighbors, coworkers and others in the community.” Often, those who serve as caregivers are impacted the most.

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