Support the Well Community Today

The Well Community provides services to those with great needs and few options. Without the Well Community, many would have no where else to turn for help. Your financial support helps to ensure that those who deal daily with severe and persistent mental health difficulties have a place to belong.
The Well Community is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Give Now
To donate online: Click here.
To donate by text: text 44-321 and type WELLNOW
To donate by check, make it out to Well Community and mail to The Well Community, 125 Sunset Ave., Dallas, Texas 75208.
To join the Well Wishers Circle (monthly giving): click here.
If you would like to make a donation by other means, or have questions about our financial accountability, please contact us.
We process online and text donations from your credit card through PayPal. To reduce fees, if your gift is over $300, please consider paying by check, or give us a call.