
A Well World: An Overflow of Gratitude

In this season, even more than usual, I see blessings at every turn. As many of us prepare for Thanksgiving feasts and begin to buy gifts to show appreciation for loved ones, gratitude is a ...

A Well World: Basic Blessings

Like many of you, my Thanksgiving Day tradition includes taking some time to count my blessings. So many are obvious: good health, loving family, ample food, a warm home, faithful friends, a great neighborhood, an ...

A Well World: Family Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving dinner leftovers are all gone by now, but I am still chewing on a number of thoughts from our celebration at The Well Community. One might think the highlight was the truly awesome ...

Threads of Thankfulness

November is “National Family Caregiver’s Month” and a good time to honor those who stand by, support and habitually assist family members who deal daily with mental illnesses. Catherine P. Downing is such a caregiver ...
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