A Well World

A Well World: The Great Escape

It’s a rite of spring for our members: our overnight retreat to Mt. Lebanon Camp. They look forward to it each year like you and I do when we count down days for vacation or ...

A Well World: A Foundational Issue

As a friend of The Well Community, you know that we serve adults living with chronic and severe mental illnesses. And I hope you have also become aware that, because of those conditions, our members ...

A Well World: Charles Haley

There have been only few times when I've been completely blown away by someone's courage and honesty. But I have to say that as I've been reading the biographical stories of NFL star Charles Haley, ...

A Well World: Sustaining Service

In my career serving with nonprofits, I have found that one of the most critical elements for success, yet one of the most challenging to lay hold of, is a cadre of volunteers who are ...

A Well World: Acute Awareness

In these closing days of 2018 I have been thinking about the people who call The Well Community their place to belong. And I’ve been thinking about what their year might have been like if ...

A Well World: Basic Blessings

Like many of you, my Thanksgiving Day tradition includes taking some time to count my blessings. So many are obvious: good health, loving family, ample food, a warm home, faithful friends, a great neighborhood, an ...
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