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A Well World: Lean on Me
For some reason, “Lean on Me,” the old song by Bill Withers, has been running through my mind lately. Lean on me, When you’re not strong And I’ll be your friend I’ll help you carry on… We all need someone to lean on. A few phrases in the song strike me as somewhat profound. First, it talks about leaning, not being carried. It reflects the […]
Read MoreFun and Connection With a Furry Friend
Recently members of the Well Community welcomed a unique visitor—one with four legs, a silky coat and an enthusiasm for connecting with people. During the Well’s Community Life Center, Jack, a black and white Havanese, brought boatloads of smiles as he performed tricks and soaked up all the pets he could get.
Read MoreRebecca Puchkors and Baylor Nursing Students: Experiencing the Power of Connection
“A colleague at Baylor University told me she had been doing some volunteering and bringing students [to the Well Community], and I thought it sounded like such a great place and such a great mission. So, I started volunteering.” From that very first time, Rebecca Puchkors has continued each month to help out at the Thursday Night Life worship service and dinner. Over 50 Well […]
Read MoreA Well World: Not Alone
“Friendship arises out of mere companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest or even taste which the others do not share and which, till that moment, each believed to be his own unique treasure (or burden). The typical expression of opening Friendship would be something like, ‘What? You too? I thought I was the […]
Read MoreCaring for One Another
Friendship. Relationship. Fellowship. These are basic needs for all humans. Most of us find such connections in our families, our workplaces, our community or our church groups. But for people living with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression or other serious mental health challenges, sustaining healthy interactions can be stressful or nearly impossible. This is why the Well Community emphasizes “community” in all they do. According […]
Read MoreMore Than Food: The Power of Meals in Community
In the age of dining delivery services and grocery subscriptions, it can be easy to take for granted readily available meals. But for those living with serious mental health conditions, the source of the next breakfast, lunch or dinner is often uncertain, and lack of access to regular, nutritious food can compound the daily struggles of their illnesses. Like poverty and housing insecurity, food insecurity […]
Read MoreA Well World: Sustaining Support
I’d like to offer a special shoutout to a precious group of people who have determined to help make the Well Community a thriving, safe and welcoming place. Those who participate in our Well Wishers Circle give donations every month, knowing that having a steady, reliable financial foundation makes it possible for us to serve members of the Well with confidence. We launched the Circle […]
Read MoreWell Wishers Circle: Life-giving Anchor
“Ho. Ho. Ho,” are three of Ricky Lawson’s favorite words, and he repeats them over and over each year as he portrays Santa for the Well Community’s annual holiday party. “Those times when I’m Santa, every single member comes and sits down next to me, and I get to put my arm around them and hug them. They tell me what’s happening in their lives […]
Read MoreHope Cultivated in Community
Hope can be elusive for those dealing with serious mental illnesses—people like members of the Well Community. Believing that life can be better and that they can take steps toward stability can seem immensely difficult or nearly impossible amid diseases with no cures and stigma that discriminates and demeans. But when our members are together, what appears out of reach becomes possible. As they come […]
Read MoreCelebrating the Holidays
Our members enjoyed a wonderful holiday celebration this year thanks to many generous friends of the Well Community! The Global Affairs and Journey Sunday school classes from Cliff Temple Baptist Church provided a delicious traditional Christmas feast, and the church’s senior pastor, Gannon Simms, gave the message for our worship service. Kessler Park United Methodist Church blessed us with music, as well as with desserts […]
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