Overpowering Stigma With Community

For those who live with serious mental health conditions, stigma is constant companion. It follows them like a shadow they can’t escape, defining them by their illnesses in the minds of others and coloring the way they are seen in their communities with misconceptions. It causes them to be avoided or ignored at best, and often leads to discrimination and mistreatment.

But, at The Well, that shadow is overpowered by community. When those struggling with mental illnesses walk through our doors, they enter a place of acceptance, support and friendship. They’re no longer individuals who are neglected and ridiculed, but people with names and stories, surrounded by others who understand the challenges they face.

Each of the 234 adults who were served by The Well last year has a story, and so our just-published 2018 Annual Update contains not only facts and figures, but examples of how The Well Community provides a respite from stigma and an environment where members can pursue recovery.

The report tells of Lydia, who, thanks to the encouragement she’s received at The Well, can confidently tell others dealing with mental illnesses, “Don’t be ashamed.” It shares about another member who’s found not only a community where he’s welcomed, but a place to live and serve.

In this update we also highlight those who help make this community possible: our volunteers. We tell about James, a retired police officer who calls his time serving at The Well “the best three hours of my week,” and represents the sentiment of the 274 volunteers who gave nearly 3,000 hours in volunteer time last year.

Our financial page shows the impact donors have had on the success of The Well Community. Generosity is tangible evidence of compassion and support, and their donations helped to make The Well Community a place where members receive the gifts of companionship, a sense of belonging and a shelter from the negative attitudes they often face in the community—a stigma-free zone.

Your ongoing support makes a last impact. Click here to donate.


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