Four Everyday Actions that Help Fight Depression – Well Community

Four Everyday Actions that Help Fight Depression

Depression is among the most common mental health conditions. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, over 8% of Americans have experienced at least one major depressive episode in the past year. In addition to therapy and medication, many everyday actions can help those who struggle with depression fight back.

Connect With Others

Relationships with friends and family can play a major role in fighting depression. Not only do connections with others combat the isolation and loneliness that go hand in hand with depression, a strong support system can encourage those who deal with this condition to stick with their treatment plans. At The Well, those living with serious mental illnesses find a place to belong, and benefit from a supportive community.

Eat Healthy, Regular Meals

Many who struggle with depression experience changes in appetite, and the challenges of living with a mental illness can make obtaining and preparing healthy food a challenge. But, eating regular nutritious meals can help to stabilize mood and make living with depression a bit more manageable. The Well provides nutritious meals for members Monday through Wednesday at its Community Life Center, as well as at its weekly worship service, Thursday Night Life. For many, these lunches and dinners are the primary hot meals they eat all week.

Get Involved

Having responsibilities can help those living with depression maintain a routine and interact with others. It can also provide a sense of purpose and serve as a motivating factor to practice self-care. The Well Community offers opportunities for members to give back and build connections. For example, often a group of Well members volunteers at Better Block, helping to care for the Learning Garden while interacting with others in the community.

Grow in Faith

Research has showing that belief in God and living out one’s faith can help to prevent depression and lessen its impact. A 2012 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals who said religion or spirituality were highly important were 76 percent less likely to experience an episode of major depression. For many members of The Well, faith is a constant shelter in the midst of an ongoing storm. The Well Community helps members cultivate their spiritual lives through devotions at the Community Life Center, weekly worship and sermons at Thursday Night Life and twice-yearly spiritual retreats.


The Well Community encourages those in the Dallas area who live with mental illnesses to take everyday actions that lead toward recovery. Your gift will help us continue to support them.

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