The Well Community to Honor Diann Warnock and NAMI North Dallas

The past year has demonstrated with striking clarity that The Well isn’t a place: It’s a community. It’s comprised of people who support and care for one another through the countless challenges of life with serious mental illnesses, and of the many who come alongside them through service, generosity and advocacy.

As we celebrate the power of community at our virtual  WellSpring Celebration on April 24, we’ll be taking time to honor two who are part of the circle that makes The Well a place to belong.

First, we’re excited to present the 2021 Founder’s Award to Diann Warnock, who faithfully gave of her time and talents to prepare lunches for our members for nearly a decade. This award is given to volunteers who carry out the vision and the heart of our Founder, Joel Pulis, and Diann beautifully embodies the values at the heart of The Well Community.

Diann brought care and skill to the over 9,800 lunches she provided for Well Community members. As a sous chef at Sur La Table, she made sure that those who came to The Well had healthy, delicious and appealing-looking meals. She also introduced many others to The Well and recruited numerous additional volunteers.

Diann’s love for Well Community members was obvious, as was their love for her. We’re honored to celebrate her steadfast service and caring attention.

In addition, we look forward to presenting our annual Courage and Advocacy award to NAMI North Texas, a local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). This recognition is given to individuals and groups that, through their steadfast efforts, have significantly improved the lives of those dealing with mental health challenges. Dr. Athena Trentin, Executive Director of NAMI North Texas, and Sherry Cusumano, former board chairman and premiere advocate, will accept this award on behalf of NAMI.

Since its beginning in 1979 as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table, NAMI has grown into the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. The North Texas chapter provides support and education for individuals and families throughout the region impacted by mental illness. Its vital work includes assisting families in times of crisis, as well as advocating in Austin for legislative action and leading efforts to train law enforcement in handling incidents related to mental health. Over the years, The Well Community and NAMI North Texas have worked together to cosponsor educational events, and The Well has hosted NAMI peer-to-peer support groups and Family-to-Family training classes.

Please join us this Saturday April 24, 2021 for our WellSpring Celebration! In addition to honoring Diann Warnoack and NAMI North Texas, we’ll benefit from a conversation led by acclaimed anchor, Brett Shipp, about mental health with Michelle Staubach Grimes as well as share an update on what’s happening at The Well. This virtual event will be available on Facebook and YouTube at 7 p.m. (Central time). There is no charge, you’ll need to RSVP to receive the log-in details before the event. RSVP NOW!



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