The Power of Prayer in Pursuit of Stability

In spite of persistent misconceptions, those suffering from severe and chronic mental illnesses can’t “pray them away.” But, for many of these individuals, prayer is a practice that undergirds good mental health and supports their pursuit of stability. While it isn’t a treatment for mental illness, it can have great power in the lives of those who deal with these conditions.

In her essay “Depression, Spirituality & Mental Health,” Kay Warren explains how faith practices, including prayer, play a vital role a person’s well-being amid the challenges of living with illnesses that have no cure:

“Part of managing a mental illness is developing the right life skills that lead to resilience – the ability to bounce back from the inevitable setbacks and relapses that happen with a chronic illness. For many people, drawing upon their faith is a powerful, comforting and resilience-building way of managing mental illness. … Prayer and meditation offer connection with God, reminding us we’re not alone in the universe.”

This sense of connection with God, fostered through prayer, is something many Well Community members know well. And the benefits they experience through prayer are backed by an ever-growing body of research that demonstrates its significant and measurable impact in the lives of those dealing with mental illness. For example:

For Well Community members, these benefits aren’t just research. They know the way prayer helps them have hope amid ever-present challenges and peace as they navigate the twists and turns of life with persistent and serious illnesses. And, through the Well, they reap these benefits in multiple ways.

They’re encouraged to go to God. During Thursday Night Life worship services and devotional times at the Well’s Community Life Center, members are reminded of God’s love and care for them. As they’re strengthened in their faith, they’re encouraged to bring their needs before Him and to turn to Him as they face the daily challenges of serious mental illnesses.

They bless one another through prayer. At the Well, members have opportunities not only to practice their faith as individuals but to live it out in community with others. They worship together, learn from God’s Word together and share their needs. And, many times, they pray for those needs with each other, encouraging one another through their shared trust that God will provide. Through these prayers, they have opportunities to give and receive spiritual support. One member echoes a common sentiment: “I love when my friends here at the Well pray for me.”

They receive the support of others who pray. In addition to the prayer support they receive from one another, Well Community members are blessed by the prayers of a group of people committed to bringing their needs before God. The PrayWell Team receives monthly email updates listing requests Well members share, and this team faithfully prays for each one.

Your prayers could be a powerful form of support to Well Community members! Consider joining our PrayWell Team, and be sure to check out “31 days, 31 ways, 2 pray 4 families,” a prayer guide for families impact by mental illness.


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