A Well World: Celebrating Community


At The Well Community we love to celebrate! We celebrate birthdays. We celebrate holidays. We celebrate the achievements and successes of our community.

Today we are also celebrating YOU! Because of the generosity of 89 individuals, families, churches and foundations, North Texas Giving Day was a great success. The Well received gifts totaling $38,760—which exceeded our goal!

As your gifts came in throughout the day, I watched with humble gratitude the kindness of so many. I thought about the meals we will provide, the support we will give, the services we will offer over the coming months because of your generosity.

And then I went downstairs to our Thursday Night Live worship service and shared with our members about your gifts. I told how people, many of whom they have never met, were making contributions to The Well Community because they care. Our members were visibly impressed. But even more, they were inspired. Quietly, several slipped out of their seats and one by one slipped crumpled dollars into my hand.

thanksLater, when I added their donations to yours, I was gently reminded how The Well Community is indeed a community. We are a community of members, donors, volunteers and staff. Together we care for each other. Together we serve alongside each other. And together we celebrate with each other.




P.S. North Texas Giving Day is only one special opportunity to support The Well. Join us on Thursday, October 27 at 7:30 PM for our annual benefit concert, Recovery Live!

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