A Well World: Every One of You

I have to say, I liked snow a lot better when I was a child! Somehow, as an adult, the weight of responsibility is much heavier than the snow that piles up on rooftops. Thankfully neither Jacob’s House nor my own had any broken pipes. We did have to navigate around some power outages, but none that put anyone in harm’s way.

Last week, in the worst of the ice and snow, I cautiously asked on Facebook if anyone could tell me how the roads were. IMMEDIATELY, several friends responded and added, “Is there something we can do for you?” Well, yes. Jacob’s House needed its weekly groceries.

Quickly Cameron McSpadden, who assured us he could safely drive on the ice, offered to head out to shop, and Norma’s Café came to our aid once again, offering a bounty of food. Cameron graciously did the shopping, stopped at Norma’s to pick up their generous donation and then delivered it all to Jacob’s House.

Meanwhile, neither rain nor ice nor snow stopped the Sprinkle/Miles family from dropping off Sunday dinner for the men at Jacob’s House! Thanks to this fantastic family for being a blessing on our snowy Valentine’s Day.

At a time of serious concern, our friends and neighbors reminded us again that The Well Community is nestled in a loving, giving and caring larger community. God bless you, every one of you!


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