A Well World: Little Bit of Good

In the general population, one in 25 individuals experiences a serious mental health issue each year. At The Well, 25 in 25 experience the challenges of mental illness each day.

Severe mental health disorders have devastating effects on individuals and their families. Schizophrenia robs cognitive functions and communication abilities. Bipolar disorder wrecks havoc in its manic state and suppresses hope in its depressive state. All mental illnesses isolate and debilitate.

There’s not much any one of us can do to help all of the 11.2 million Americans who experience a severe mental illness in a given year, but as Desmond Tutu has said, each one can “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” 

We’re wrapping up May, Mental Health Awareness Month, this week. My hope is that through our blogs Six Ways to Help Others Become Aware of Mental Illness and Friendship Rather Than Fear you are more aware of the impact of mental illness than perhaps you were a month ago. And, through our Echoes from The Well video, I hope you are more aware of the impact The Well Community has on those who live with such challenges.

Would you consider doing your “little bit of good” by taking part in our May Mental Health Awareness campaign? Your gift helps to serve our members who find The Well Community to be a place safe from stigma and harm. As one member says, “The Well is a place you can be yourself and people understand.”

That kind of a haven is possible because people like you make it possible. Would you give today?

Thanks so much,


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