I’d like to offer a special shoutout to a precious group of people who have determined to help make the Well Community a thriving, safe and welcoming place. Those who participate in our Well Wishers Circle give donations every month, knowing that having a steady, reliable financial foundation makes it possible for us to serve members of the Well with confidence.
We launched the Circle in 2022, and in those few years, our Well Wishers have provided more than $95,000 to undergird the work of the Well Community. I can’t fully express how much this constant support has meant to us and how grateful we are for their faithfulness. Meet a few of them here, and learn of their motivations and commitments.
I highlight all our Well Wishers below, with much thanks.
As the new year gets underway, perhaps you, too, would like to be a part of this fundamental support of the Well. It’s easy to do: Just click here and get started.
Together, let’s provide sustaining support for our neighbors in need.