“Ho. Ho. Ho,” are three of Ricky Lawson’s favorite words, and he repeats them over and over each year as he portrays Santa for the Well Community’s annual holiday party. “Those times when I’m Santa, every single member comes and sits down next to me, and I get to put my arm around them and hug them. They tell me what’s happening in their lives or give me prayer requests. Some will wink at me and acknowledge that I’m not the real Santa Claus, but others will talk to me like I am the real Santa Claus,” Ricky says. It’s just for a little moment of time each year, but oh so meaningful to him and to the members.
In addition to helping out with the party, for about 20 years Ricky has volunteered with the Well in many other ways. “Pretty early on, I started getting involved personally. I have a group of high school buddies that meet up once a month, and we’ve provided meals a couple of times. I have played guitar and sung music. I even got to preach one time when we were doing a meal.”
It was his experiences with Well members that motivated him to stay involved. “It’s been humbling to be able to have these friends to just hang out with. It’s something that’s meaningful to them and meaningful to me. Getting to know them personally a little bit I think makes you a little more compassionate.”
Last fall Ricky added one more way to support the Well Community: He became a member of the Well Wishers Circle by committing to make a monthly donation. “I’ve given to the Well off and on the whole time I’ve been involved, but it is really only recently that I just decided I was going to do it regularly, just like I do my regular tithe.”
The Well Wishers Circle is made up of donors whose compassion for those who suffer with severe and chronic mental illnesses compel them to generously support the Well Community on a monthly basis.
Well Wishers’ gifts help the Well provide nutritious meals, life-skills training and Thursday Night Life worship services, as well as parties and retreats. But most importantly, regular gifts support opportunities for members living with severe mental illnesses to gather as a community—one where members understand and accept each other just as they are.
The Well Wishers Circle provides a life-giving anchor that helps the Well have a firm financial base. Ricky says, “People have to get involved, and they have to share the fruits of their own labors. Places like the Well don’t operate long or don’t operate as fully as they can if they don’t have the resources; and let’s face it, they just never have enough resources.” He continues, “Just like with my budget, if I didn’t have a salary and I didn’t get the same amount of money every month, I couldn’t have what I depended on and plan accordingly. So, it’s important to organizations, all organizations, to have income that’s dependable. Otherwise, it’s just hard to plan. You don’t know when you’re going to get a bunch or when you’re going to run out. Monthly giving just makes sense.”
Join the Well Wishers Circle today! Your commitment of $25 or more per month brings you into this special group of caring, dedicated donors. Sign up here.