Relating Well Together

When Mary, a long-time member of The Well Community, passed away un-expectedly, several others from The Well took turns caring for her mother until long-term care could be arranged. Another member, who serves as manager at Jacob’s House, takes time each day to listen compassionately as his housemates talk about the worries on their minds. Sue is always available to say a prayer when someone needs comfort.

Caring relationships are one of the least highlighted yet most important components of recovery for those dealing with severe mental illnesses. Isolation and loneliness are crushing companions when other people don’t reach out and connect.

However, at The Well, our members learn to form healthy relationships with each other, their families and even with pets. We’ve highlighted just a few of their stories in our 2017 Annual Report. These companionships help make recovery possible.

There are other relationships that help provide stability and comfort. Our staff gives direction and steady friendships. Volunteers offer warm fellowship and humble service. Donors undergird all our efforts with their faithful support. All are a part of the healing that happens when members experience the dignity of community. See below a summary of community support provided to The Well Community in 2017. And, if you would like to go deeper in your relationship with The Well Community, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us.

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