A Well World: Incredible Good

a well worldsm


Part of my job as executive director at The Well Community is compiling information to make reports—to the Board of Directors, to funders, to our donors. This research gives me the opportunity to look at broad trends and consider the overall impact in the lives of our members. Each time I do this I stand back and marvel at the incredible good done by a relatively short list of volunteers and donors. I am deeply grateful for and humbled by the dedication and generosity of those who give time, expertise and financial support to help us serve one of the most underserved groups in our society—those who deal with severe mental illnesses.

Recently we finalized the 2015 Annual Report. Click here to see it. I hope you’ll give it a read and get to know some of the folks who make up The Well’s community. Read about our activities and get a snapshot of our financial picture last year. See the names of a number of our volunteer groups and sponsors, and consider how you, your civic group or church friends might help. Give me a call (214-393-5878 ext: 604) and let’s talk about ways your involvement can help make recovery possible for those whose lives have been sabotaged by mental illness, stigma and poverty.




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