A Well World: Why We Use “Community”

As you know, the name of our organization is The Well Community. We don’t call it The Well Club House or The Well Agency or The Well Ministry, though those names could be appropriate. The name is The Well Community.

The main reason for the word “Community” is that community, family, belonging, is the best therapeutic resource we provide. Being a part of the lives of others, and having caring friends who listen, pray and encourage is a foundational aspect of mental health recovery. People at The Well are members of a supportive and inclusive community.

However, there is a second reason we use the word “Community.” Our organization involves a wider group of people than just our members. The Well Community is also made up of volunteers, donors, churches, staff and our neighbors in Oak Cliff and beyond.

Last week we launched our first in a series of CareWell Seminars provided to pastors and church leaders to help them know how to minister effectively to individuals and families coping with mental health difficulties. David Larlee of All Saints Dallas Church kicked off the series, relating ways the church he served with in London, England integrated people struggling with mental illness into the life of their congregation.

Another way churches can minister is to volunteer with us. This week is National Volunteer Week, and believe me, without our volunteers from churches and other groups, The Well would be severely limited in the services members now enjoy (check out our blogs about volunteers). From providing meals, to teaching classes, to helping with outings, to leading worship, volunteers help make the community a fun, rich and healing environment.

If you haven’t yet, please consider how your church could become a part of The Well Community. Contact us to learn more.

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