A Well World: Thank You for Your Cumulative Impact in 2019!

On any given day at The Well Community, it’s easy to see numerous reasons to be thankful. Each time our doors open, I witness the profound power of connection and support in the lives of our members—people who, because of struggles with serious mental illness—rarely have safe places where they can be themselves and find friendship and assistance.

But, when I look back at 2019 as a whole and consider the impact of ongoing, caring community in our members’ lives, my heart nearly bursts with gratitude. All year long, we’ve been able to provide a place to belong for those who face the countless daily challenges of life-altering mental health conditions and the isolation that so often accompanies them. It’s hard to understate the cumulative impact.

When we asked some of our members to share what they’ve been thankful for this year, so many of their responses reflected the value of this community. They mentioned activities ranging from Bible studies to bingo and expressed gratitude for relationships with staff, interns, volunteers and each other. Through it all ran a common theme of connection.

“I enjoy spending time with my friends at The Well and talking to them,” Donna told us. “When I talk about The Well to others, I tell them that we fellowship, and we have a good time.”

Linda added, “I get to have real friendships here. I like that this is a judgement-free zone.”

And, Jack told us, “The Well came through when I most needed it.”

As we approach a new year, I look forward to countless more opportunities to provide connection, help and acceptance for those dealing with serious mental illnesses. And, I once again give thanks for the many who give of their time, talents and resources—those who continue to make these opportunities possible through the cumulative impact of their generosity.

With a grateful heart,



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