A Well World: Blessed

Most of us are familiar with the saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” We are reminded of it at my church each week, and I regularly think of those who give to The Well Community. I don’t often get to see how our donors are blessed, but I do see how our members benefit from the generosity of so many, and I marvel.

I think of Matthew who, in his mid-40s, came to Jacob’s House because he wanted to live independently yet in community. Bipolar disorder made living with others difficult and every prior attempt had failed. At Jacob’s House he finally found a place where he belonged, where he could develop friendships with seven other men, all struggling with the challenges of mental illnesses. How can we begin to count the blessing it is for Matthew to live where he can be at home with others who understand?

I also don’t know how to weigh the benefit Delores receives from donors’ gifts to The Well. Delores has been a member for many years and attends regularly, yet every day navigates through life with a mental illness that draws stigma and erodes dignity. Watching her laugh with other members, seeing her master a new skill and enjoying her (pre-COVID) hugs have all reassured me that it is indeed blessed to receive.

And what about the blessings that come through giving? In just a few weeks, The Well will participate, once again, in North Texas Giving Day, sponsored by The Communities Foundation of Texas. It is an 18-hour online giving event that allows nonprofits in the area to share their needs and allows donors to give in a simple and secure way. Early giving starts Tuesday, September 1. The Giving Day is Thursday, September 17. Visit northtexasgivingday.org/the-well-community to learn more.

We hope you will participate and will give generously. And then I’d love to hear from you about ways you were blessed by giving. I can’t wait to hear YOUR stories. Write to me at [email protected].

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