A Well World: Blessed are the Meek

Ever since childhood I have loved the mystery and magic of the Christmas season. My siblings and I were mesmerized by the thought of a rotund old man leaving our most wished-for treasure under our tree. Each year we would try to catch a glimpse of him, but inevitably sleep would win out and we’d miss our spy moment.

Growing up in a Christian home, the majesty and meekness of Christmas also surrounded us. We learned early how God sent Jesus to be born in a lowly stable to a humble family to teach us why it is the meek who inherit the earth and how the Prince of Peace reigns in the heavens.

Throughout the holidays I’ve thought about how both of these traditions are demonstrated at the Well Community year-round. If Santa represents generosity, I see him daily as our members take home a portion of their lunch to share with a roommate or when one receives a package of goodies from a neighbor and brings it to the Community Life Center for all to enjoy.

I also recognize the humility and meekness demonstrated by baby Jesus when one of our staff patiently listens to a member’s lengthy, rambling story or as a member, unprompted, quietly clears away the leftover craft materials.

Perhaps in these ways the “spirit of Christmas” is with us always, and we can continue to cultivate generosity and meekness in the year ahead.

With Joy,


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