A Well World: Backward and Forward

As 2021 comes to an end, I want to remind you of some incredible highlights from our year and mention tremendously exciting things we look forward to in the year ahead.

First, a look backward …

  • We were able to keep Jacob’s House residents and most of our members healthy through COVID-19.
  • Our staff was recognized by the State of Texas for their extraordinary efforts in serving our members through the pandemic.
  • We successfully launched our Outreach Program to our homeless neighbors.
  • Nutritious meals were available to each member and many other participants approximately 200 days during the year.
  • Our Resource Center provided clothing, bedding, nutritious snacks and hygiene and health care items to hundreds of marginalized people.
  • We held a festive outdoor holiday dinner and party for our members.
  • Mental health needs were addressed throughout the year for adults struggling with poverty and stigma amid such severe disorders as schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression, anxiety, dual diagnoses and others.

Now, looking forward …

Throughout 2022 we will celebrate our 20th anniversary as an organization dedicated to making life more stable and meaningful for adults who live with chronic and severe mental illnesses. Yes, it was in 2002 that Joel Pulis and others saw the need and developed the vision for a ministry to reach out to the marginalized and stigmatized in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas.

Our 20th year celebrations will kick off in January with a refreshed “look” and updated website. Then we’ll begin holding mini-events around DFW so many of you and your friends can join in the celebration. A couple of larger parties are being planned as well. And watch for other ways we’ll be highlighting The Well Community’s service over the years.

In addition, in 2022 we sure hope our members will be able to safely gather together and fully resume all our activities. Until then we’ll creatively find ways to help our members with their needs for community and dignity.

Of course, none of the accomplishments of 2021 nor the anticipated experiences of 2022 were/are possible without you. Thanks so very much.

Happy new year, friends.


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