A Well World: Acute Awareness

In these closing days of 2018 I have been thinking about the people who call The Well Community their place to belong. And I’ve been thinking about what their year might have been like if we hadn’t been able to offer this safe, welcoming place and these much-needed services to our members.

It’s a sobering reflection, which leads me to two other thoughts:

First, how real it is that without support of individuals, churches, community groups and foundations, The Well would not exist. That would mean the people who belong to the Well—who struggle with severe and persistent mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or major depression—would continue to be overlooked and un-served.

People like…

  • Fred* who might have had no one to call on last month to talk about his plans to end his life (but he had someone to reach out to because our staff were available to him).
  • Sharon who may not have been able each month to keep her psychiatry appointments (but she did because funds were there to help with bus passes).
  • Leslie who would have surely suffered abuse as she spent her days in parks or curbsides (but instead she spent many of her days safely enjoying the activities at The Well).

Without support from people who care, all our members would have likely continued in the tragic path of isolation, bombarded daily by stigma and ridicule.

My second thought was the acute awareness that mental illnesses, though treatable, are not yet curable. But at The Well, our members have the support they need to live stable and productive lives—filled with dignity and hope. As we look ahead to 2019, I am also aware that to keep our doors open, to provide services and offer compassionate care, we’ll still be depending on the generosity of you and others.

And so, as one year ends and another begins, I hope you will consider making a special gift to help us be sure The Well Community continues to be a place to belong.

With thanks, 


* names are changed

Please click here to give online or mail check, made out to The Well Community, 125 Sunset Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75208.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about The Well, mental illnesses and how you can make a difference in the lives of those who struggle with them and their families.

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