A Well World: A Suicide Prevention Community

We are so grateful to so many of you who gave extraordinary donations to the Well Community through North Texas Giving Day! On September 21, over 120 of you participated generously, contributing $57,815 in all. We also appreciate those who give routinely, our monthly Well Wishers, and each of you who have supported us through the years. Because of you, the Well continues to be a safe place, a welcoming place, a place to belong.

Studies have shown that isolation, loneliness and feelings of being misunderstood or unaccepted can all be contributing factors to suicide. These are often the experiences of people living with severe mental illnesses, and so it’s understandable that suicide often accompanies major depression and other forms of mental health conditions.

However, suicidal ideation is rare among our members. I’d like to think that is because they belong to a place where loneliness is erased and compassionate understanding abounds. September is designated as Suicide Prevention Month, and perhaps the Well could be called a suicide prevention community. Instead of living in isolation, our members live in long-term friendships and an assurance that they are known, loved and accepted. Again, this is only possible because of you.


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