A Well World: Retreat Into Hope

March 2018

I love this time of year. Not only do we get to enjoy the beauty of spring and the pleasure of moderate temperatures, we also have the fun of springtime traditions: egg dying and hunting, games and parties.

Spring also brings my favorite Christian holiday, Easter. There is so much hope in the Easter story. Easter reminds us that where God is there is life. If the dead can be raised then hope can be renewed, the sick can recover and the broken can be restored.

Renewal. Recovery. Restoration. All are themes of hope and life. And they provide the backdrop for our upcoming Spring Retreat in late April. Our twice-a-year retreats are highlights for members of The Well. They plan and prepare for these getaways with eagerness and anticipation. Again this year we are looking forward to being at Mt. Lebanon Camp, just south of Dallas.

For those who live each day with the burden of mental illness, having time and space to reflect and rest is a stabilizing part of their journey toward recovery. Our members who draw strength from the Bible have opportunities to have their faith rekindled or deepened through Bible study sessions. All who attend the retreat find renewed energy from the fellowship, hayride and games.

These times to get away from the cares of everyday life help our members regroup and reset for the challenges ahead.

Will you help The Well offer programs like these retreats to our members? $80 per person covers the costs of transportation, lodging and food for the two-day retreat.

Gifts received above and beyond the cost of retreat scholarships will ensure that The Well can provide our members ongoing opportunities for special events, outings and everyday managed care.

Your support undergirds hope for recovery. It reminds our members that the lost can be found and the broken places can be restored.

To give your special gift online, simply click here. Or mail your check to The Well Community, 125 Sunset Ave. Dallas, Texas 75208.

May your own springtime celebrations fill you with renewed joy!


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